Sunday, April 1, 2007

Easter Greetings

I hope that you are enjoying this beautiful Lord's Day. For a lot of you this will will be "spring break"; no school for a whole week! You may have noticed the new family picture on my blog spot today. The Mitchell family gathered to celebrate the Easter Season together this past Saturday and we took a new family photo. It will be the last time for a while that we will all be together. Lara, Britney, Carter and Ashlyn will be packing their belongings and moving to Minnesota on April 14th. I know that God has opened the door for them but it still makes me so sad to think that they will be so far away. I will have to depend on God's unfailing strength to say goodbye but, He will help me bear it, I know. My unfailing love goes with them always!!! Please pray for them as they travel to their new home.

This Tuesday (4-3) I will go for another chemo treatment. It will be #3---I'm half way there with only 3 more to go after this one. That's a happy thought!! It took me a little longer to recover from the second treatment than it did the first one so I'm not sure what to expect this time but I am learning how to plan my days between treatments and that helps. Your prayers mean so much and I can't tell you enough how much strength Marvin and I feel just knowing that you are there.

This next week is an important week in the life of a Christian. As I go through the next 7 days, I want to focus -not on chemo or cancer-but, on "the road to the cross" and how much God loves me. How hard it must have been when Jesus climbed that hill and lay down His very life so that I might live. Now, that's LOVE, a love that I didn't deserve but that God freely gave. " Because He lives I can face tomorrow". May you and yours experience His love this week wherever you may spend "spring break".
Psalm 31:24 "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord".

I will write again soon.

I love you guys,

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Praying for you right now...
Much love,
Lisa Huggins