Saturday, May 26, 2007

Freedom Comes With A Price

Happy Memorial Day. This is the weekend we stop to honor all those brave men and women who protect our country and allow us the freedoms that we so often take for granted. However, freedom does not come easy. I pray that as we gather with our loved ones we will stop and remember the soldiers (past and present) who have given so much for us. May God Bless America!!

Yesterday I had my blood work done following the May 15th chemo. The results were not so good this time; they were the lowest since I started my treatments. Of course, I got the "special shot" to build back before the June 5th treatment. Then, this morning I got up with swollen lips and sores in my mouth (a side effect of chemo also). The doctor called in some medicine that is supposed to clear them up and I am sure in a day or so that this too shall pass. Don't worry---they won't keep me from eating or talking, I can always find a way to do both!! All things considered, I still feel pretty good and count my blessings daily. Each day is a gift. Your prayers have brought me through so much already and I know they will continue to be a strength to me. Thank you dear family and friends.

I hope that you have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend. We are looking forward to having some of our children and grandchildren with us. May God bless you and may God bless America.

My verse for today is: Psalm 117:1 "Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol Him, all you people." (He gave the ultimate sacrifice!!)

I love you guys,

PS A quick update: Sandra Byars is back in Emory recovering from an infection following her surgery. I talked with her a short while yesterday and she is still very sick but showing improvement day by day.

Two new prayer request:
Keith (Rev. Howard & Judy Mill's son in law) will have surgery to remove his pancreas and spleen. Remember his wife Allison also.
Eleanor Sweatt (Jason's mom) will have surgery on May 31st (shoulder)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It's The Final Countdown

I know that it has been a while since my last blog and I apologize for that. First of all, I hope that you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. There's nothing like having a day to reflect on the "blessing" of children and grandchildren is there? We love our family with a love so deep it seems endless but I can't even begin to imagine just how deep or wide or far God's love for us must be! He loves us with a love that can't be measured but it CAN BE FELT. It is that love that has brought me through these last five months and I praise and thank him for that every day!!

I am on "the final countdown". Yesterday I received chemo treatment #5. I wasn't sure if I would be able to take it because a few days before my scheduled treatment I began running a 100o temp (think it was a sinus infection). When I called the doctor he sent me a powerful antibiotic that I took right away and thankfully by Tuesday the fever was gone and I stayed right on schedule. Hopefully, today I took my last shot to build my bone marrow; that's the shot that makes me feel so bad. They told me after my next chemo I probably won't have to take it and I can't tell you how excited that made me feel.

It's funny what some of the side effects of chemo can be besides the "medical"-----It will probably be a long time before I am able to drink red fruit juice or ginger ale again or eat another saltine cracker. BUT "I will" look at each new day through different eyes and love with a deeper love than ever before. I will never take friends or family for granted or start another day without God's Word in my heart and a prayer on my lips!!!!

One more treatment to go. Can you believe I'm almost to the end? Thank you dear friends and family; your support love and prayers have been amazing. I could never be able to tell you in words just how much you mean to me. Thank you for walking this path with me. You've been there every step of the way. I couldn't have made it without you!! I will be forever grateful.

I love you guys,
Judy Ephesians 3:19 - Christ's love is greater than anyone can ever know.

PS Two praise reports for you:
My little grandson, Nathan, had tubes in his ears last Wednesday and is doing well.
Also, Sandra Byars is home from the hospital following the adrenal surgery. They removed the adrenal gland, an area along her kidney and her spleen. The biopsy on the adrenal gland was benign. She does not need chemo or radiation but it is such a rare type cancer they are still trying to decide what treatments and medications to give her. We are just thankful things are going well for her. Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

And The Owl Blinked

Greetings to all!
I heard a sermon not too long ago entitled "And the Owl Blinked" and I have thought back to that message many times during the past 5 months! This message was about how, in the blink of an eye, your life can change and take on a whole new direction. Perhaps one you had not wanted to take. How true that is isn't it? Just this past week I have seen another "change". Lara, Britney Carter and Ashlyn finally packed the cars and headed to their new home in Minnesota. They left on Friday afternoon and, praise the Lord, arrived safely in Minnesota on Sunday. Thank you for your traveling prayers for them, they had a safe and uneventful trip---kids, dog, goldfish and all!! The moving van with all their belongings should arrive this afternoon or tomorrow and they can truly begin to settle-in. As glad as I am that they are safely relocated, at the "blink of an eye" I find myself feeling sad and missing them so much already. (I think I have finally reached the end of my tears!) Thursdays will be lonely for a while. Carter and Ashlyn always came to play every week on that day. I am praying sincerely for God to show me a "new purpose" for my Thursday afternoons; I know he will fill it with something special! Marvin and I already look forward to having a new place to visit. We have never been to Minnesota before. I know our time with them will be even more special.

Yesterday I had an appointment with my surgeon. I had found a troublesome lump in my right breast last week and wanted to have that checked out. He seems to think that it is nothing to be concerned about at this time but plans to keep a close watch on things. He and the oncologist are discussing when to do another CAT scan and also what to do about the mass on my thorax. Please keep that in your prayers. They will probably wait until chemo treatments are finished in order to get a good reading. (I still have 2 treatments left--the last one on June 5th). I am thanking God daily for his goodness and care. Other than the nausea and the effects from the shots that I have to take, I have come through each treatment without any real complications. I know that is also a result of your many prayers for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done and continue to do for us. "Prayers are precious jewels". The Owl may blink---but the Keeper of our Soul never sleeps"!!
I love you guys,
IPeter 3:12 "For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his ears are open unto their prayers."

PS Please remember Sandra Byars; her surgery is May 9th at Emory.