Sunday, September 6, 2009


Greetings Friends,

Last month while I was relaxing for a few days at the beach I discovered a new and favorite author. Her name is Karen Kingsbury and the book I was reading was titled: One Tuesday Morning. It was a work of fiction based on that awful day we all remember....September 11th. As I started reading the book all those memories came flooding back and I could see that day as clearly as if I had just turned on my TV. The story followed the lives of several people who had lost loved ones at the Twin Towers and the more I read, the more tears began to fall onto each page. That was one day in our memory that we will never forget but.........have we??

I was reminded of September 11th once again just the other day when I turned on my computer and read an email that someone had sent to me. It was a challenge for everyone who read it to fly their American Flags on September 11th this year as a reminder, and in honor of, all the brave men, women and children who lost their lives that day. Do you remember watching the news or driving around the neighborhoods shortly after 9-11 and seeing our flag proudly waving everywhere you went? What about as we drove past our churches and seeing all the cars in the church parking lots? Why have we so quickly turned from wanting to stand up and testify "YES, we are a Christian Nation. Yes, we are a nation founded on the God we trust, a nation proud of it's very flag that has flown on our battlefields as far back as we can remember"? Oh, how precious are those freedoms! Oh, how many lives have been sacrificed so that we may enjoy those very freedoms!

Every year on Memorial Day and July 4th I fly my flag but, beginning this year, it will also fly on September 11th as well. As a matter of fact, the more I think about it, I am going to keep my flag up and let it proudly wave EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR! How about you? Wouldn't it be great to be driving around town on 9-11 this year and see the American Flag proudly waving everywhere we go?!!

I love you guys,

2 Timothy 1:7-For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.