Saturday, January 20, 2007

Saturday Morning

I just spoke with my dad and he said that my mom had a good night. She got some rest and isn't in any pain (thanks to the pain medication!). Dr. Hardcastle came in last night and said that she looks great and couldn't be doing any better. He will not get the report from the Pathologist until Tuesday, but he is almost certain that everything will be fine from the tests. He did not believe that the cancer had spread to any of the lymph nodes at all. That will be such an answer to prayer!

My mom sends her love and her thanks to everyone for their prayers and support. She is hoping to rest as much as possible while she is in the hospital so that she can have her strength back when she gets home. Please pray for continued healing and time for her to rest!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are so happy everything went well and we will continue to keep your mom in our daily prayers. Shorrs, Guthries and Leiters.