What a beautifully, awesome and wonderful day the Lord blessed me with yesterday. I just have to share my thoughts with you today or my heart will explode with the wonder of it all!!
Jill, Mark and little Nathan will have a new member of the family to join them in June. She had an appointment with her doctor yesterday and invited me to come along to view the sonogram with her. Since all my girls were born before something like this was ever heard of, I jumped at the chance!! When Chad was born (my first grandchild) I saw a "photo" of a sonogram and of all the other grand children since but, I had never seen a "live" test performed until yesterday.
My heart was in my throat as soon as the nurse started running the scanner over Jill's little tummy. There on the big screen I witnessed the miracle of that little baby that God was building for us. It was as if I was looking right into that little face, my heart melted!! Then, the baby started reaching out those little hands, and stretching out those little legs and then there was that tiny heart going "thump, thump, thump" right in front of my eyes. (Who could ever doubt the truth of a life even at this early stage of development)? I could have stayed there and watch those moments unfold all afternoon; it was hard to leave and turn that machine off again. I just wanted to reach out and hold this precious gift in my arms. But, alas, God's plan takes nine months and I must wait. I am so thankful to know that no matter what tomorrow may hold, I have already seen this little baby; the baby God has chosen to bless our family with and the baby that we all have already begun to love.
How amazing it was to witness such a beautiful picture of God at work. Thank you Jill for allowing me this moment and thank you, Lord, for numbering my days so that I might behold this moment. Life is precious and each life He creates is truly a masterpiece. I have seen first hand---"The Miracle of His Love".
I love you guys,
Colossians 1:16 For by him were all things created...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
"Cancer" the word that started this blog; a word I don't mention very often in my blog anymore thanks to God's amazing grace and your many prayers!! So why mention it now? Yesterday was "cancer check-up day" for me and I thought I'd give you a quick update.
Since completing my chemo treatments two years ago, I find myself measuring my progress in "3-month increments". Every three months it's off to the doctor for blood tests and examinations. You see, the problem with cancer is that you can feel terrific and still have the disease. Then there are other times you may have symptoms, (like a persistent cough, or an unexplained long lasting pain), which in time proves to be "nothing at all". Eventually the symptoms go away, making you feel silly about ever mentioning the problem to anyone, especially your husband or your doctor!! And so, doctor visits are essential for figuring those things out and for watching this disease.
I am so thankful that I am able to give you a good report today--all tests were still normal, another milestone met!! As I walk away from the cancer center each time my heart is filled with gratitude and a deeper trust in my Creator. He knows everything about me and I trust Him.
My time for thanksgiving. I'm thanking God for another day, another opportunity or another challenge "to extend and enjoy a life worth living"!! Happy Thanks-living to all of you.
I love you guys,
Psalm 105:1 Give thanks to the Lord. Call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.
Since completing my chemo treatments two years ago, I find myself measuring my progress in "3-month increments". Every three months it's off to the doctor for blood tests and examinations. You see, the problem with cancer is that you can feel terrific and still have the disease. Then there are other times you may have symptoms, (like a persistent cough, or an unexplained long lasting pain), which in time proves to be "nothing at all". Eventually the symptoms go away, making you feel silly about ever mentioning the problem to anyone, especially your husband or your doctor!! And so, doctor visits are essential for figuring those things out and for watching this disease.
I am so thankful that I am able to give you a good report today--all tests were still normal, another milestone met!! As I walk away from the cancer center each time my heart is filled with gratitude and a deeper trust in my Creator. He knows everything about me and I trust Him.
My time for thanksgiving. I'm thanking God for another day, another opportunity or another challenge "to extend and enjoy a life worth living"!! Happy Thanks-living to all of you.
I love you guys,
Psalm 105:1 Give thanks to the Lord. Call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
As my flag proudly waves in the wind this morning, my "heart" salutes the brave men and women who have proudly defended and protected this great land. I love America, a compassionate land founded as a Christian Nation. I love America for it's great diversity, for the opportunities to do and become whatever we choose, for the wonderful people who enrich my life and most of all for the freedom she offers. "The land of the free and the home of the brave---MY AMERICA"!!
Where would we be today without our brave Veterans? I wish my dad were still here so that today I could put my arms around his neck and tell him one more time just how much he means to me (still). He served in the Marine Corps for over 20 years and fought to make life better for me and for all of us. So, "Thanks Dad for your love, not only for me. but for your country as well."
In honor of all the Veterans who gave their lives and to all those in service who still fight today for our freedoms, I salute you with a grateful heart. If you are out today and see a Veteran go over and shake their hand and thank them for their service; even better buy their lunch if you happen to see them while on your lunch break. I'm mailing gift cards! What will you do today to honor your special veteran? "America the Beautiful"---let's all do our part to keep it that way.
I love you guys,
Romans 13:7-Render, therefore, to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.
Where would we be today without our brave Veterans? I wish my dad were still here so that today I could put my arms around his neck and tell him one more time just how much he means to me (still). He served in the Marine Corps for over 20 years and fought to make life better for me and for all of us. So, "Thanks Dad for your love, not only for me. but for your country as well."
In honor of all the Veterans who gave their lives and to all those in service who still fight today for our freedoms, I salute you with a grateful heart. If you are out today and see a Veteran go over and shake their hand and thank them for their service; even better buy their lunch if you happen to see them while on your lunch break. I'm mailing gift cards! What will you do today to honor your special veteran? "America the Beautiful"---let's all do our part to keep it that way.
I love you guys,
Romans 13:7-Render, therefore, to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Seventeen years ago today my first-born grandchild entered this world. Not only was he the "first born", he was our first "boy baby". After raising four beautiful daughters I wondered, "What do you do with little boys?" Well, it didn't take long to realize that boys enter this world different in every way. Chad was a little red-haired bundle of energy who never stopped moving!! I was determined, with God's help, to be the best grandmother ever. I was going to keep up with him savoring every second knowing we would make lots of happy memories together and that is just what we have done.
As I look back down the road we have traveled, my mind is filled with precious pictures. When he was just a little guy he loved to spend the night with Nana and Pop. Every morning when he would get up he wanted to share a cup of "milk-coffee" and sit at the front door to watch for the school bus to pass by. He couldn't wait to be old enough to ride that bus. Of course, now he drives his truck to school every day !!
He liked the Veggie Tales stories and songs and whenever we were in the car we were usually singing along with our Veggie Tales tape. (We didn't have CD's yet!!). At home we played with Thomas Trains for hours and with every year he seemed to find a new "favorite" interest. There was the dinosaur stage and playing rec soccer and t-ball, then it was the NASA Space Program stage and later came Star Wars. During those early years of his life one of my favorite memories was the week we were able to travel to Florida and witness a shuttle launch together. Later that week we took he and his sister, Rebekah, on their very first trip to Disney World and what fun we had watching those little faces as they took it all in. We've been blessed to see countless ballgames, school programs, Christmas programs at his church and most importantly, witnessed his precious baptism at the young age of six.
Today Chad is a junior in high school. Where has the time gone?!! He is still very active; an excellent student who enjoys playing football, wrestling and as Lt. Colonel of the ROTC in his school he serves as Corp. Commander. He is equally involved in the youth group at his church in South Carolina and on December 26th he will leave for a mission trip to Africa. We will miss him as we gather to celebrate the Christmas holidays but we are so proud of him for answering God's call to GO. (Please pray for his group even now as they make the necessary preparations).

Since Chad was born, God has blessed our lives with four more precious grandchildren; each one special in their own way and each one loved beyond measure. (Rebekah 14, Ashlyn 7, Carter 4, and Nathan who is 3).
But, today is YOUR day Chad, and I write this blog as a testimony not only of my love for you but in honor and praise of the fine young, Christian young man you have become. Your Pop and I could not have ever imagined just how much God had blessed us that morning as we held you in our arms for the first time. Every day we lift you up in prayer, thanking God always for you. We encourage you to continue on your journey. Follow Christ in character and in conduct and you will find abundant blessings along the way. It will be exciting to watch just where God leads you next. And as I close, my love for you only grows deeper. No matter where you are........
I forever hold you close within my heart. "Happy Birthday Chad!"
Proverbs 17:6 Children's children are the crown of old men
As I look back down the road we have traveled, my mind is filled with precious pictures. When he was just a little guy he loved to spend the night with Nana and Pop. Every morning when he would get up he wanted to share a cup of "milk-coffee" and sit at the front door to watch for the school bus to pass by. He couldn't wait to be old enough to ride that bus. Of course, now he drives his truck to school every day !!
He liked the Veggie Tales stories and songs and whenever we were in the car we were usually singing along with our Veggie Tales tape. (We didn't have CD's yet!!). At home we played with Thomas Trains for hours and with every year he seemed to find a new "favorite" interest. There was the dinosaur stage and playing rec soccer and t-ball, then it was the NASA Space Program stage and later came Star Wars. During those early years of his life one of my favorite memories was the week we were able to travel to Florida and witness a shuttle launch together. Later that week we took he and his sister, Rebekah, on their very first trip to Disney World and what fun we had watching those little faces as they took it all in. We've been blessed to see countless ballgames, school programs, Christmas programs at his church and most importantly, witnessed his precious baptism at the young age of six.
Today Chad is a junior in high school. Where has the time gone?!! He is still very active; an excellent student who enjoys playing football, wrestling and as Lt. Colonel of the ROTC in his school he serves as Corp. Commander. He is equally involved in the youth group at his church in South Carolina and on December 26th he will leave for a mission trip to Africa. We will miss him as we gather to celebrate the Christmas holidays but we are so proud of him for answering God's call to GO. (Please pray for his group even now as they make the necessary preparations).

Since Chad was born, God has blessed our lives with four more precious grandchildren; each one special in their own way and each one loved beyond measure. (Rebekah 14, Ashlyn 7, Carter 4, and Nathan who is 3).
But, today is YOUR day Chad, and I write this blog as a testimony not only of my love for you but in honor and praise of the fine young, Christian young man you have become. Your Pop and I could not have ever imagined just how much God had blessed us that morning as we held you in our arms for the first time. Every day we lift you up in prayer, thanking God always for you. We encourage you to continue on your journey. Follow Christ in character and in conduct and you will find abundant blessings along the way. It will be exciting to watch just where God leads you next. And as I close, my love for you only grows deeper. No matter where you are........
I forever hold you close within my heart. "Happy Birthday Chad!"
Proverbs 17:6 Children's children are the crown of old men
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Greetings Friends,
Last month while I was relaxing for a few days at the beach I discovered a new and favorite author. Her name is Karen Kingsbury and the book I was reading was titled: One Tuesday Morning. It was a work of fiction based on that awful day we all remember....September 11th. As I started reading the book all those memories came flooding back and I could see that day as clearly as if I had just turned on my TV. The story followed the lives of several people who had lost loved ones at the Twin Towers and the more I read, the more tears began to fall onto each page. That was one day in our memory that we will never forget but.........have we??
I was reminded of September 11th once again just the other day when I turned on my computer and read an email that someone had sent to me. It was a challenge for everyone who read it to fly their American Flags on September 11th this year as a reminder, and in honor of, all the brave men, women and children who lost their lives that day. Do you remember watching the news or driving around the neighborhoods shortly after 9-11 and seeing our flag proudly waving everywhere you went? What about as we drove past our churches and seeing all the cars in the church parking lots? Why have we so quickly turned from wanting to stand up and testify "YES, we are a Christian Nation. Yes, we are a nation founded on the God we trust, a nation proud of it's very flag that has flown on our battlefields as far back as we can remember"? Oh, how precious are those freedoms! Oh, how many lives have been sacrificed so that we may enjoy those very freedoms!
Every year on Memorial Day and July 4th I fly my flag but, beginning this year, it will also fly on September 11th as well. As a matter of fact, the more I think about it, I am going to keep my flag up and let it proudly wave EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR! How about you? Wouldn't it be great to be driving around town on 9-11 this year and see the American Flag proudly waving everywhere we go?!!
I love you guys,
2 Timothy 1:7-For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Last month while I was relaxing for a few days at the beach I discovered a new and favorite author. Her name is Karen Kingsbury and the book I was reading was titled: One Tuesday Morning. It was a work of fiction based on that awful day we all remember....September 11th. As I started reading the book all those memories came flooding back and I could see that day as clearly as if I had just turned on my TV. The story followed the lives of several people who had lost loved ones at the Twin Towers and the more I read, the more tears began to fall onto each page. That was one day in our memory that we will never forget but.........have we??
I was reminded of September 11th once again just the other day when I turned on my computer and read an email that someone had sent to me. It was a challenge for everyone who read it to fly their American Flags on September 11th this year as a reminder, and in honor of, all the brave men, women and children who lost their lives that day. Do you remember watching the news or driving around the neighborhoods shortly after 9-11 and seeing our flag proudly waving everywhere you went? What about as we drove past our churches and seeing all the cars in the church parking lots? Why have we so quickly turned from wanting to stand up and testify "YES, we are a Christian Nation. Yes, we are a nation founded on the God we trust, a nation proud of it's very flag that has flown on our battlefields as far back as we can remember"? Oh, how precious are those freedoms! Oh, how many lives have been sacrificed so that we may enjoy those very freedoms!
Every year on Memorial Day and July 4th I fly my flag but, beginning this year, it will also fly on September 11th as well. As a matter of fact, the more I think about it, I am going to keep my flag up and let it proudly wave EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR! How about you? Wouldn't it be great to be driving around town on 9-11 this year and see the American Flag proudly waving everywhere we go?!!
I love you guys,
2 Timothy 1:7-For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Greetings friends,
The week of Elsie Conde Special Needs Camp has come and gone but what a blessing it was serving the Lord and meeting the 17 precious children and their families who participated in camp. The memories of this week will always hold a special place in my heart! I'm not sure if I can even begin to describe for you what I was able to experience but I will try.
Monday was our first day of camp and as we, the workers, prepared for the the activities of the day I don't think any of us truly imagined what would lie ahead as this was our very first "sports camp" for children with special needs . Some of our campers arrived in wheelchairs, some using walkers, some mentally challenged and in one case a child who could not speak but communicated through his eyes and hands. One thing we were all sure of as we watched these children arrived was that God's blessings were on our day and HE would meet us right where we were and meet our every need.
As we got acquainted and met our assigned child we had a very special guest who joined us that day, former Atlanta Braves player, Phil Nekro. The Field of Dreams in Flowery Branch was a dream of his and he helped start the funding so that this special place could be possible for use by special needs children and their families. During the opening ceremonies, Mr. Nekro threw out the first pitch of the game and also autographed a baseball for each child who was there. The campers were thrilled! The rest of our day was spent making friends, learning a new camp song, playing baseball and soccer, hearing our Bible story and simply laughing and loving in the Lord. We had some excited campers, happy parents and willing workers and by the end of the first day we were ALL excited about spending even more days together!
On day two as the campers arrived we watched them hurry to eagerly to hook-up with their counselors as they hugged and greeted each other as well. One mother came in that morning with tears in her eyes as she thanked everyone for giving her child (as well as herself) this special time. For many families caring for a special needs child is a never ending day. Someone always needs to be available helping to do those things that we so often take for granted.
By day three we were like one big happy family. The morning always began with prayer and singing. The middle of our day was spent playing soccer or baseball. You ask HOW?? Here are two examples:
One little girl, supported by her counselor, stepped up to the plate and with all her might hit the ball then grabbed hold of her little walker pushing herself to first base. When she slowly got about half-way there another little girl came out to the field, took hold of one side or her walker and cheered her on until she made it all the way to he base.
Then, there was the 14 year old boy in a wheelchair (I think he had cerebral palsy). On the first two days of camp his counselor would help him hold the bat so that he would be able to swing at the ball but ,on this day, he told his counselor, "I want to try this all by myself". He took hold of that bat and started to swing with all his might at the ball. It took him a few extra tries but he finally hit it! How proud he was!! As his counselor pushed his wheelchair around the bases, there wasn't a dry eye on the field.
At the end of each day we would gather together before saying our goodbyes to have our Bible story and prayer time. Oh what beautiful prayers we heard from the hearts of these precious ones. We witnessed love and acceptance in a way I had never seen before. There was no personal judgement, no fear. Never one time did they look at each other and see "obstacles", they just saw "friends".
On Friday night we held our closing ceremony and provided a meal for all who attended. I think we had around 200+, the bleachers were full!! All the children, accompanied by grandparents, parents, friends, and siblings had one final opportunity to play baseball as part of a team and to sing their camp songs one more time together. A very special young man, Clay Dyer, was the guest speaker. He is a professional angler who participates in fishing tournaments but what made him such an encouragement to all of us is the fact that he was born without legs and only part of one arm.
When the baseball game ended each camper was presented with a camp t-shirt, a Bible, a photo album with pictures from their week at camp and a bag of goodies to carry home. We gathered to sing our camp songs together one last time. Their favorite song was---"My God is so BIG, so STRONG and so MIGHTY, there's NOTHING MY GOD CAN NOT DO" . For five days I had the privilege to witness this same determination in these 17 precious lives. As I looked at their faces one last time, I looked into " the very heart of God" and saw just how valuable each child truly is. My heart will never be the same again.
"Special Needs Children"......Yes, they are truly SPECIAL INDEED!!!
Thanks be to God for this awesome opportunity. I am already looking forward to camp next year. Want to join me?
I love you guys,
Psalm 24:1---The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
***For some photos & news stories you can go to:
The week of Elsie Conde Special Needs Camp has come and gone but what a blessing it was serving the Lord and meeting the 17 precious children and their families who participated in camp. The memories of this week will always hold a special place in my heart! I'm not sure if I can even begin to describe for you what I was able to experience but I will try.
Monday was our first day of camp and as we, the workers, prepared for the the activities of the day I don't think any of us truly imagined what would lie ahead as this was our very first "sports camp" for children with special needs . Some of our campers arrived in wheelchairs, some using walkers, some mentally challenged and in one case a child who could not speak but communicated through his eyes and hands. One thing we were all sure of as we watched these children arrived was that God's blessings were on our day and HE would meet us right where we were and meet our every need.
As we got acquainted and met our assigned child we had a very special guest who joined us that day, former Atlanta Braves player, Phil Nekro. The Field of Dreams in Flowery Branch was a dream of his and he helped start the funding so that this special place could be possible for use by special needs children and their families. During the opening ceremonies, Mr. Nekro threw out the first pitch of the game and also autographed a baseball for each child who was there. The campers were thrilled! The rest of our day was spent making friends, learning a new camp song, playing baseball and soccer, hearing our Bible story and simply laughing and loving in the Lord. We had some excited campers, happy parents and willing workers and by the end of the first day we were ALL excited about spending even more days together!
On day two as the campers arrived we watched them hurry to eagerly to hook-up with their counselors as they hugged and greeted each other as well. One mother came in that morning with tears in her eyes as she thanked everyone for giving her child (as well as herself) this special time. For many families caring for a special needs child is a never ending day. Someone always needs to be available helping to do those things that we so often take for granted.
By day three we were like one big happy family. The morning always began with prayer and singing. The middle of our day was spent playing soccer or baseball. You ask HOW?? Here are two examples:
One little girl, supported by her counselor, stepped up to the plate and with all her might hit the ball then grabbed hold of her little walker pushing herself to first base. When she slowly got about half-way there another little girl came out to the field, took hold of one side or her walker and cheered her on until she made it all the way to he base.
Then, there was the 14 year old boy in a wheelchair (I think he had cerebral palsy). On the first two days of camp his counselor would help him hold the bat so that he would be able to swing at the ball but ,on this day, he told his counselor, "I want to try this all by myself". He took hold of that bat and started to swing with all his might at the ball. It took him a few extra tries but he finally hit it! How proud he was!! As his counselor pushed his wheelchair around the bases, there wasn't a dry eye on the field.
At the end of each day we would gather together before saying our goodbyes to have our Bible story and prayer time. Oh what beautiful prayers we heard from the hearts of these precious ones. We witnessed love and acceptance in a way I had never seen before. There was no personal judgement, no fear. Never one time did they look at each other and see "obstacles", they just saw "friends".
On Friday night we held our closing ceremony and provided a meal for all who attended. I think we had around 200+, the bleachers were full!! All the children, accompanied by grandparents, parents, friends, and siblings had one final opportunity to play baseball as part of a team and to sing their camp songs one more time together. A very special young man, Clay Dyer, was the guest speaker. He is a professional angler who participates in fishing tournaments but what made him such an encouragement to all of us is the fact that he was born without legs and only part of one arm.
When the baseball game ended each camper was presented with a camp t-shirt, a Bible, a photo album with pictures from their week at camp and a bag of goodies to carry home. We gathered to sing our camp songs together one last time. Their favorite song was---"My God is so BIG, so STRONG and so MIGHTY, there's NOTHING MY GOD CAN NOT DO" . For five days I had the privilege to witness this same determination in these 17 precious lives. As I looked at their faces one last time, I looked into " the very heart of God" and saw just how valuable each child truly is. My heart will never be the same again.
"Special Needs Children"......Yes, they are truly SPECIAL INDEED!!!
Thanks be to God for this awesome opportunity. I am already looking forward to camp next year. Want to join me?
I love you guys,
Psalm 24:1---The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
***For some photos & news stories you can go to:
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Greetings all,
I have just returned from a four day trip to Disney World and, yes, I really do have blisters on my feet, a heart filled with wonderful memories and, I hope, enough pictures to fill a scrapbook!
November was my daughter, Melinda's, 40th birthday and she wanted to celebrate that milestone with her three sisters (Pam, Lara, Jill), her daughter (Rebekah), her niece (Ashlyn) and ME at the "happiest place on earth"---Disney World. Since we could not all be there until school was out for the summer we had to wait until last week to go. The wait was worth the fun!! Lara and Ashlyn flew in from Minnesota. We had not seen them since December so that was a real blessing to have them there as well. Ashlyn, who is seven, did not know that we were all going to be there too. She thought it was a trip for she and her mom. When she walked into the hotel lobby and saw us there she came running over laughing and crying all at the same time. Of course, none of us had a dry eye either!! That moment was priceless.

For four fabulous days we ate together, slept together, laughed together and walked a million miles together----every step a precious blessing. How wonderful it was for me to look around and see my beautiful girls (all 6 of them) sharing this special time with each other. Melinda, I hope that you had as much fun celebrating your birthday as we did. Thanks for requesting such a happy place to "party". There's no place like Disney to turn back the clock, forget about your troubles, and laugh like a kid again. God was so good to us! I thank Him for allowing us to have this time.
On our last morning as we gathered to say goodbye, each to return to their own homes, we had a circle of prayer together thanking God for our trip, for the great memories we had made, for safety as we were traveling home, and for our family. "Our Family Circle": a circle made safe through the blood of Jesus that can not be broken. (I'm looking forward to the day when we get to heaven and no longer have to say "goodbye")!

So girls, thanks for the memories---"Disney was wonderful".
Thanks to the Father---"Heaven is waiting". (Philippians 3:20--"For our citizenship is in heaven"..... )
God bless you, my precious girls!
I love you,
PS. Thanks to the husbands and daddies who also helped to make our trip possible. We couldn't have shared this time without your blessings as well. You're the best too!!
I have just returned from a four day trip to Disney World and, yes, I really do have blisters on my feet, a heart filled with wonderful memories and, I hope, enough pictures to fill a scrapbook!
November was my daughter, Melinda's, 40th birthday and she wanted to celebrate that milestone with her three sisters (Pam, Lara, Jill), her daughter (Rebekah), her niece (Ashlyn) and ME at the "happiest place on earth"---Disney World. Since we could not all be there until school was out for the summer we had to wait until last week to go. The wait was worth the fun!! Lara and Ashlyn flew in from Minnesota. We had not seen them since December so that was a real blessing to have them there as well. Ashlyn, who is seven, did not know that we were all going to be there too. She thought it was a trip for she and her mom. When she walked into the hotel lobby and saw us there she came running over laughing and crying all at the same time. Of course, none of us had a dry eye either!! That moment was priceless.
For four fabulous days we ate together, slept together, laughed together and walked a million miles together----every step a precious blessing. How wonderful it was for me to look around and see my beautiful girls (all 6 of them) sharing this special time with each other. Melinda, I hope that you had as much fun celebrating your birthday as we did. Thanks for requesting such a happy place to "party". There's no place like Disney to turn back the clock, forget about your troubles, and laugh like a kid again. God was so good to us! I thank Him for allowing us to have this time.
On our last morning as we gathered to say goodbye, each to return to their own homes, we had a circle of prayer together thanking God for our trip, for the great memories we had made, for safety as we were traveling home, and for our family. "Our Family Circle": a circle made safe through the blood of Jesus that can not be broken. (I'm looking forward to the day when we get to heaven and no longer have to say "goodbye")!
So girls, thanks for the memories---"Disney was wonderful".
Thanks to the Father---"Heaven is waiting". (Philippians 3:20--"For our citizenship is in heaven"..... )
God bless you, my precious girls!
I love you,
PS. Thanks to the husbands and daddies who also helped to make our trip possible. We couldn't have shared this time without your blessings as well. You're the best too!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
It has been a while since I have posted a "medical" update so here goes......
Last week marked another six-months since my last appointment and check up at the Cancer Center---"my reminder" of the journey that started the writing of this blog a little over two years ago. As always with these big milestone appointments comes the flood of memories. Memories that I would like to stuff into a big box and bury deep inside a hole somewhere!! Memories that always seem to be a part of you after cancer----the news that confirmed cancer, the long chemo treatments, the nausea, the hair loss and on and on. But, along with those not so fond memories, are the ones that remind me of the many blessings that came as well; the memories that I cherish! The blessing of sweet friends and family, the prayers and words of encouragement along the way, the promises and provisions that God provided each day and the peace in knowing that no matter what the tests would reveal, I was in His Hands. It was in that peace that I drove to the center for the next round of testing. I am very thankful to be able to share a good report with you today. All the preliminary tests were good. There will be another appointment and a PET Scan in July to check the mass on my thorax and hopefully, if that has not changed, I may may be able to have the port removed as well!!! I will give you a brief update after those test are done but as always, I covet your prayers. God hears and answers so, please don't stop!
In the mean time there is no time to waste life fretting or jumping at shadows and unknown pains and wondering about any "what ifs". Life is too short for that and life is always good!! May and June are already looking to be busy months--opportunities that I am so thankful and excited to be a part of. The first state-side Cross Training Sports Camp will be held in just a few short days from now. We will have the opportunity to work with over 150+ school age campers teaching them sports and cheer leading while at the same time sharing God's Love Story with them. Please pray that lives will be changed and God will be glorified. In past blogs I have posted their web sight if you would like to go and read more. I will send you an update and news of the camp shortly.
Also, on June 5th, Marvin and I will be participating in the Breast Cancer Walk at Road Atlanta. It will be with a thankful heart that I take the first walk around the track that night "The Survivors Walk". Two and one half years for me since my diagnosis and I praise God for every day!!! I don't know just how many laps we will make, the walk will last for 24 hours, but I can promise you that with each step I take I will honor and support all of the friends who now live with breast cancer (you know who you are) and it will be in loving memory of all of those who are no longer with us but who taught me so much how to live while they were here!! Cancer can not cripple love, shatter hope, corrode faith, kill friendships, overshadow memories, silence courage, invade the soul, steal eternal life, or conquer the spirit!! And so it is, until my next blog.......I will mark the time thanking God for healing-
I will trust Him no matter what-
And I will celebrate one more day on the way to Glory!!
God bless. I love you guys,
Psalm 31:14-15 I trust in you Lord; I say, "You are my God". My times are in Your hands.
Last week marked another six-months since my last appointment and check up at the Cancer Center---"my reminder" of the journey that started the writing of this blog a little over two years ago. As always with these big milestone appointments comes the flood of memories. Memories that I would like to stuff into a big box and bury deep inside a hole somewhere!! Memories that always seem to be a part of you after cancer----the news that confirmed cancer, the long chemo treatments, the nausea, the hair loss and on and on. But, along with those not so fond memories, are the ones that remind me of the many blessings that came as well; the memories that I cherish! The blessing of sweet friends and family, the prayers and words of encouragement along the way, the promises and provisions that God provided each day and the peace in knowing that no matter what the tests would reveal, I was in His Hands. It was in that peace that I drove to the center for the next round of testing. I am very thankful to be able to share a good report with you today. All the preliminary tests were good. There will be another appointment and a PET Scan in July to check the mass on my thorax and hopefully, if that has not changed, I may may be able to have the port removed as well!!! I will give you a brief update after those test are done but as always, I covet your prayers. God hears and answers so, please don't stop!
In the mean time there is no time to waste life fretting or jumping at shadows and unknown pains and wondering about any "what ifs". Life is too short for that and life is always good!! May and June are already looking to be busy months--opportunities that I am so thankful and excited to be a part of. The first state-side Cross Training Sports Camp will be held in just a few short days from now. We will have the opportunity to work with over 150+ school age campers teaching them sports and cheer leading while at the same time sharing God's Love Story with them. Please pray that lives will be changed and God will be glorified. In past blogs I have posted their web sight if you would like to go and read more. I will send you an update and news of the camp shortly.
Also, on June 5th, Marvin and I will be participating in the Breast Cancer Walk at Road Atlanta. It will be with a thankful heart that I take the first walk around the track that night "The Survivors Walk". Two and one half years for me since my diagnosis and I praise God for every day!!! I don't know just how many laps we will make, the walk will last for 24 hours, but I can promise you that with each step I take I will honor and support all of the friends who now live with breast cancer (you know who you are) and it will be in loving memory of all of those who are no longer with us but who taught me so much how to live while they were here!! Cancer can not cripple love, shatter hope, corrode faith, kill friendships, overshadow memories, silence courage, invade the soul, steal eternal life, or conquer the spirit!! And so it is, until my next blog.......I will mark the time thanking God for healing-
I will trust Him no matter what-
And I will celebrate one more day on the way to Glory!!
God bless. I love you guys,
Psalm 31:14-15 I trust in you Lord; I say, "You are my God". My times are in Your hands.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thank You Friends,
My heart overflows with love and gratitude to all of you who so freely gave and helped me to fill my "little shoebox on a mission" last month. If you sent in a love donation, hopefully you have already received a personal note of thanks in the mail. Today I want to thank you again--PUBLICLY, for your wonderful generosity. I am excited to report that my little shoebox was filled with a grand total of $550.00!! Every penny will go a long way in helping to meet the needs of the CTSC Elsie Conde Camp for Special Needs Children this July. The staff and workers were deeply touched when the shoebox mission was presented at their kick-off meeting on March 29th. Much more importantly than that special moment with them, I can hardly wait to see how many precious little lives will be forever changed through this camp because YOU cared. "Thank you" seems so little but it comes from the depths of my heart. May your rewards be many when God himself looks you in the eye and blesses you with His words, "Well done, good and faithful servant".
I love you guys,
Acts 20:35 "It is more blessed to give than to receive".
PS I will give you a full report and hopefully some great pictures during the Special Needs Camp in July. Until then, if you would like to read and see more about the CTSC Sports Camps you can visit their blog. (***They have just returned from the first camp of 2009 to Honduras where 27 children asked Jesus into their hearts! ***) To view go to: ctscmission.org and click on the blue and red box to the left labeled "Honduras Live". Enjoy!
My heart overflows with love and gratitude to all of you who so freely gave and helped me to fill my "little shoebox on a mission" last month. If you sent in a love donation, hopefully you have already received a personal note of thanks in the mail. Today I want to thank you again--PUBLICLY, for your wonderful generosity. I am excited to report that my little shoebox was filled with a grand total of $550.00!! Every penny will go a long way in helping to meet the needs of the CTSC Elsie Conde Camp for Special Needs Children this July. The staff and workers were deeply touched when the shoebox mission was presented at their kick-off meeting on March 29th. Much more importantly than that special moment with them, I can hardly wait to see how many precious little lives will be forever changed through this camp because YOU cared. "Thank you" seems so little but it comes from the depths of my heart. May your rewards be many when God himself looks you in the eye and blesses you with His words, "Well done, good and faithful servant".
I love you guys,
Acts 20:35 "It is more blessed to give than to receive".
PS I will give you a full report and hopefully some great pictures during the Special Needs Camp in July. Until then, if you would like to read and see more about the CTSC Sports Camps you can visit their blog. (***They have just returned from the first camp of 2009 to Honduras where 27 children asked Jesus into their hearts! ***) To view go to: ctscmission.org and click on the blue and red box to the left labeled "Honduras Live". Enjoy!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Greetings Friends,
As I mentioned in my January blog, there are several projects that I feel the Lord has called me to be involved in this year. I would like to share one of them with you today. It is called the Elsie Conde Special Needs Camp, a not-for-profit organization to teach sports to children with special needs, within their own abilities, in an environment where they learn, see, and experience the love of Jesus. This new camp is a part of the Cross Training Sports Camp which began in June of 2001. This special needs camp was added to the program last year in memory of little Elsie who went home to be with the Lord just a few short months after she was born. Her grandmother, the director of the camps, was first drawn to mission work as a child in Sunday School. God used "a little shoebox" filled with supplies for a missionary family in Africa to bring her down a path that would birth the Cross Training Sports Camp Program. Since that time, CTSC has held camps in Africa, Honduras, Bolivia, Washington, Oklahoma, Montana, ElSalvador and local camps in Gainesville, Georgia where they have witnessed God at work changing lives and whole communities.
All the volunteers who work these camps raise their own support and that is where I feel the "call to help". The very first Elsie Conde Special Needs Camp will be held in Suwanee, Ga. this year during the week of July 20-24 and will require extra training, more volunteers and special equipment to meet the needs of these precious children. Because the path of CTSP began through a shoebox mission and since I am unable to physically participate at the camp this year, I would love to be able to fill a "little shoebox with donations" and present it to the director at our kick-off meeting on Sunday, March 29. If you are able and would like to help me fill my shoebox I would need to receive your donations no later than Friday, March 27. Please make your donations to CTSC Elsie Conde Camp and mail them to me at 799 River Chase, Hoschton, GA 30548.
I realize that financial situations for all of us are strained at this time but I also know that little is much when God is in it! If you are unable to financially contribute I want you to know that your prayers are equally important and just as meaningful. Please pray that God will guide and bless every area of planning and preparation for this special camp. That He will send the workers and bless them with wisdom and strength as they work with these special needs children. That the financial expenses will be met and that the lives of all those involved will be forever changed!! I thank you in advance for sharing this call with me. May "the shoebox on a mission" continue to spread God's love!
I love you guys,
ICorinthians 3:9 For we are laborers together with God.
As I mentioned in my January blog, there are several projects that I feel the Lord has called me to be involved in this year. I would like to share one of them with you today. It is called the Elsie Conde Special Needs Camp, a not-for-profit organization to teach sports to children with special needs, within their own abilities, in an environment where they learn, see, and experience the love of Jesus. This new camp is a part of the Cross Training Sports Camp which began in June of 2001. This special needs camp was added to the program last year in memory of little Elsie who went home to be with the Lord just a few short months after she was born. Her grandmother, the director of the camps, was first drawn to mission work as a child in Sunday School. God used "a little shoebox" filled with supplies for a missionary family in Africa to bring her down a path that would birth the Cross Training Sports Camp Program. Since that time, CTSC has held camps in Africa, Honduras, Bolivia, Washington, Oklahoma, Montana, ElSalvador and local camps in Gainesville, Georgia where they have witnessed God at work changing lives and whole communities.
All the volunteers who work these camps raise their own support and that is where I feel the "call to help". The very first Elsie Conde Special Needs Camp will be held in Suwanee, Ga. this year during the week of July 20-24 and will require extra training, more volunteers and special equipment to meet the needs of these precious children. Because the path of CTSP began through a shoebox mission and since I am unable to physically participate at the camp this year, I would love to be able to fill a "little shoebox with donations" and present it to the director at our kick-off meeting on Sunday, March 29. If you are able and would like to help me fill my shoebox I would need to receive your donations no later than Friday, March 27. Please make your donations to CTSC Elsie Conde Camp and mail them to me at 799 River Chase, Hoschton, GA 30548.
I realize that financial situations for all of us are strained at this time but I also know that little is much when God is in it! If you are unable to financially contribute I want you to know that your prayers are equally important and just as meaningful. Please pray that God will guide and bless every area of planning and preparation for this special camp. That He will send the workers and bless them with wisdom and strength as they work with these special needs children. That the financial expenses will be met and that the lives of all those involved will be forever changed!! I thank you in advance for sharing this call with me. May "the shoebox on a mission" continue to spread God's love!
I love you guys,
ICorinthians 3:9 For we are laborers together with God.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Pink and red hearts......they are on display every where we go reminding us that "love is in the air". February, the month for flowers, cards and chocolate candy!! It is nice to have a day set aside to remind us to slow down and focus on the people we love but, shouldn't we be doing that every day? Life is short and our friends and family are very precious blessings. Let me say first of all, "I love you very much! You are truly God's gift to me and I thank Him always for each one of you. My life is so much richer because you have been a part of it. Happy Valentine's Day with all my love to all of you!"
While I was buying my Valentine's Day cards last week, the Lord spoke this thought to me..."Share my love in simple acts of kindness". When I got home I began to think about those words and ways that I could do just that! "Simple acts of kindness" could be many things, some so simple we might not even think to do them, but something that could mean so much to the one on the receiving end. Immediately the Lord brought ideas to my mind. Simple acts of kindness, (done in secret), reap the greatest joy of all when we expect nothing in return. My list of ideas grows every day and I can hardly wait to answer His call!! Do you have simple acts of kindness that you might need to do as well? After all, love IS in the air!!
I love you guys,
Colossians 3:12 Be kind to others and have no pride. Be gentle and willing to wait for others.
P.S. Medical update: Thank you so much for your prayers. I am praising God for the good reports on my blood work last month. My next mammogram is scheduled for Feb. 23, and your continued prayers mean so much.
While I was buying my Valentine's Day cards last week, the Lord spoke this thought to me..."Share my love in simple acts of kindness". When I got home I began to think about those words and ways that I could do just that! "Simple acts of kindness" could be many things, some so simple we might not even think to do them, but something that could mean so much to the one on the receiving end. Immediately the Lord brought ideas to my mind. Simple acts of kindness, (done in secret), reap the greatest joy of all when we expect nothing in return. My list of ideas grows every day and I can hardly wait to answer His call!! Do you have simple acts of kindness that you might need to do as well? After all, love IS in the air!!
I love you guys,
Colossians 3:12 Be kind to others and have no pride. Be gentle and willing to wait for others.
P.S. Medical update: Thank you so much for your prayers. I am praising God for the good reports on my blood work last month. My next mammogram is scheduled for Feb. 23, and your continued prayers mean so much.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I am sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to posting on my blog. I am still trying to catch-up on the year that just ended and the new year that has just begun!!
As I look back on 2008, I have to say, "It has been an awesome journey". This Christmas season was especially wonderful for me. All of my children and grandchildren were home this year. There is nothing sweeter or more fulfilling to a mother's heart than to be able to look around the room and be reminded of just how special each individual person truly is. There are 15 of us now, each one unique and each one equally important in making us "Family". I will treasure every single second of our time together. (I would include some photos but I haven't learned how to do that yet...maybe that will be a resolution for the new year!!)
Speaking of resolutions, I looked back on some of the ones I made last year. Some of them I kept pretty well, others not so much. That won't stop me from trying again or striving for new ones in the year ahead. How about you, what would you like to accomplish in 2009? Whether we've been to the mountain top or through the valley in 2008, those things are behind us. To know Jesus and the power of His resurrection, we must run the race in front of us. I have been seeking God's direction and though I don't have all the answers yet, I know He will direct my path. He is leading me in several areas and projects for the days ahead and I will share more about that in a later blog. For now, I want to slow down enough that I might see through His eyes the things around me that are important to Him.
Staying well is another priority for me in 2009. God has brought me through so much the past two years and I praise Him for that. Most days I don't even think about cancer anymore unless I have to go in for a test or for a check up with the doctors. My next appointment is on Jan. 26th and I covet your prayers. When the results come in, I will let you know. Until then, I will press forward with confidence knowing that God is in control and simply enjoy 2009 and whatever it should bring. Happy New Year dear friends.
I love you guys,
Philippians 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
**P.S. Have you ever had one of those moments that brought you an unexpected smile? I just love it when God reveals something special to me and today it was through, of all things, "AN APPLE".
It was mid-afternoon and I was ready for a little snack so I washed an apple and when I went to cut it in half I accidentally cut it from the side instead of my usual way from the stem at the top. When it fell open, right there "hidden" in the center of the apple was a perfect 5-pointed star!! My little mistake became a simple new pleasure that brought a smile to my face. I will never cut an apple any other way again. Just think, I have missed this amazing sight all of my life until today. Try it next time you cut into an apple and you will find that "hidden treasure" as well. I hope it brings a smile to your face too!!
As I look back on 2008, I have to say, "It has been an awesome journey". This Christmas season was especially wonderful for me. All of my children and grandchildren were home this year. There is nothing sweeter or more fulfilling to a mother's heart than to be able to look around the room and be reminded of just how special each individual person truly is. There are 15 of us now, each one unique and each one equally important in making us "Family". I will treasure every single second of our time together. (I would include some photos but I haven't learned how to do that yet...maybe that will be a resolution for the new year!!)
Speaking of resolutions, I looked back on some of the ones I made last year. Some of them I kept pretty well, others not so much. That won't stop me from trying again or striving for new ones in the year ahead. How about you, what would you like to accomplish in 2009? Whether we've been to the mountain top or through the valley in 2008, those things are behind us. To know Jesus and the power of His resurrection, we must run the race in front of us. I have been seeking God's direction and though I don't have all the answers yet, I know He will direct my path. He is leading me in several areas and projects for the days ahead and I will share more about that in a later blog. For now, I want to slow down enough that I might see through His eyes the things around me that are important to Him.
Staying well is another priority for me in 2009. God has brought me through so much the past two years and I praise Him for that. Most days I don't even think about cancer anymore unless I have to go in for a test or for a check up with the doctors. My next appointment is on Jan. 26th and I covet your prayers. When the results come in, I will let you know. Until then, I will press forward with confidence knowing that God is in control and simply enjoy 2009 and whatever it should bring. Happy New Year dear friends.
I love you guys,
Philippians 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
**P.S. Have you ever had one of those moments that brought you an unexpected smile? I just love it when God reveals something special to me and today it was through, of all things, "AN APPLE".
It was mid-afternoon and I was ready for a little snack so I washed an apple and when I went to cut it in half I accidentally cut it from the side instead of my usual way from the stem at the top. When it fell open, right there "hidden" in the center of the apple was a perfect 5-pointed star!! My little mistake became a simple new pleasure that brought a smile to my face. I will never cut an apple any other way again. Just think, I have missed this amazing sight all of my life until today. Try it next time you cut into an apple and you will find that "hidden treasure" as well. I hope it brings a smile to your face too!!
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