As I look back down the road we have traveled, my mind is filled with precious pictures. When he was just a little guy he loved to spend the night with Nana and Pop. Every morning when he would get up he wanted to share a cup of "milk-coffee" and sit at the front door to watch for the school bus to pass by. He couldn't wait to be old enough to ride that bus. Of course, now he drives his truck to school every day !!
He liked the Veggie Tales stories and songs and whenever we were in the car we were usually singing along with our Veggie Tales tape. (We didn't have CD's yet!!). At home we played with Thomas Trains for hours and with every year he seemed to find a new "favorite" interest. There was the dinosaur stage and playing rec soccer and t-ball, then it was the NASA Space Program stage and later came Star Wars. During those early years of his life one of my favorite memories was the week we were able to travel to Florida and witness a shuttle launch together. Later that week we took he and his sister, Rebekah, on their very first trip to Disney World and what fun we had watching those little faces as they took it all in. We've been blessed to see countless ballgames, school programs, Christmas programs at his church and most importantly, witnessed his precious baptism at the young age of six.
Today Chad is a junior in high school. Where has the time gone?!! He is still very active; an excellent student who enjoys playing football, wrestling and as Lt. Colonel of the ROTC in his school he serves as Corp. Commander. He is equally involved in the youth group at his church in South Carolina and on December 26th he will leave for a mission trip to Africa. We will miss him as we gather to celebrate the Christmas holidays but we are so proud of him for answering God's call to GO. (Please pray for his group even now as they make the necessary preparations).

Since Chad was born, God has blessed our lives with four more precious grandchildren; each one special in their own way and each one loved beyond measure. (Rebekah 14, Ashlyn 7, Carter 4, and Nathan who is 3).
But, today is YOUR day Chad, and I write this blog as a testimony not only of my love for you but in honor and praise of the fine young, Christian young man you have become. Your Pop and I could not have ever imagined just how much God had blessed us that morning as we held you in our arms for the first time. Every day we lift you up in prayer, thanking God always for you. We encourage you to continue on your journey. Follow Christ in character and in conduct and you will find abundant blessings along the way. It will be exciting to watch just where God leads you next. And as I close, my love for you only grows deeper. No matter where you are........
I forever hold you close within my heart. "Happy Birthday Chad!"
Proverbs 17:6 Children's children are the crown of old men
Wow, what a trip down memory lane! What an awesome tribute to Chad! You know I don't cry easily, but that almost brought a tear to my eye!! I don't know if that is because it was so moving or because it made me feel so old.... :) You are the best "nana" in the world and every one of your grandchildren knows that!
You are a great role model and I count it a blessing to call you my friend. I can't believe Chad is that old. Where does time go??? It goes quickly that is for sure and you have enjoyed so much with him. How proud you must be of the strong man he is becoming. Miss you and hope to see you soon friend.
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