Friday, November 13, 2009


"Cancer" the word that started this blog; a word I don't mention very often in my blog anymore thanks to God's amazing grace and your many prayers!! So why mention it now? Yesterday was "cancer check-up day" for me and I thought I'd give you a quick update.

Since completing my chemo treatments two years ago, I find myself measuring my progress in "3-month increments". Every three months it's off to the doctor for blood tests and examinations. You see, the problem with cancer is that you can feel terrific and still have the disease. Then there are other times you may have symptoms, (like a persistent cough, or an unexplained long lasting pain), which in time proves to be "nothing at all". Eventually the symptoms go away, making you feel silly about ever mentioning the problem to anyone, especially your husband or your doctor!! And so, doctor visits are essential for figuring those things out and for watching this disease.

I am so thankful that I am able to give you a good report today--all tests were still normal, another milestone met!! As I walk away from the cancer center each time my heart is filled with gratitude and a deeper trust in my Creator. He knows everything about me and I trust Him.

My time for thanksgiving. I'm thanking God for another day, another opportunity or another challenge "to extend and enjoy a life worth living"!! Happy Thanks-living to all of you.

I love you guys,

Psalm 105:1 Give thanks to the Lord. Call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.

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