I have just returned from a four day trip to Disney World and, yes, I really do have blisters on my feet, a heart filled with wonderful memories and, I hope, enough pictures to fill a scrapbook!
November was my daughter, Melinda's, 40th birthday and she wanted to celebrate that milestone with her three sisters (Pam, Lara, Jill), her daughter (Rebekah), her niece (Ashlyn) and ME at the "happiest place on earth"---Disney World. Since we could not all be there until school was out for the summer we had to wait until last week to go. The wait was worth the fun!! Lara and Ashlyn flew in from Minnesota. We had not seen them since December so that was a real blessing to have them there as well. Ashlyn, who is seven, did not know that we were all going to be there too. She thought it was a trip for she and her mom. When she walked into the hotel lobby and saw us there she came running over laughing and crying all at the same time. Of course, none of us had a dry eye either!! That moment was priceless.
For four fabulous days we ate together, slept together, laughed together and walked a million miles together----every step a precious blessing. How wonderful it was for me to look around and see my beautiful girls (all 6 of them) sharing this special time with each other. Melinda, I hope that you had as much fun celebrating your birthday as we did. Thanks for requesting such a happy place to "party". There's no place like Disney to turn back the clock, forget about your troubles, and laugh like a kid again. God was so good to us! I thank Him for allowing us to have this time.
On our last morning as we gathered to say goodbye, each to return to their own homes, we had a circle of prayer together thanking God for our trip, for the great memories we had made, for safety as we were traveling home, and for our family. "Our Family Circle": a circle made safe through the blood of Jesus that can not be broken. (I'm looking forward to the day when we get to heaven and no longer have to say "goodbye")!
So girls, thanks for the memories---"Disney was wonderful".
Thanks to the Father---"Heaven is waiting". (Philippians 3:20--"For our citizenship is in heaven"..... )
God bless you, my precious girls!
I love you,
PS. Thanks to the husbands and daddies who also helped to make our trip possible. We couldn't have shared this time without your blessings as well. You're the best too!!
Looks like such a fun trip with all the girls! Glad you were all able to do that. Thanks for sharing with us. Love you! Christy
I just saw Lara's blog with her pictures--what a wonderful time you must have had! I was wiping tears and trying to see them all at the same time! Enjoy the memories.
And THANK YOU, Mom, for making the trip a possibility! We had a great time and wish we could make it an annual thing....hey...that's an idea! Let's work on it! I have next June and July open!! Love you!
Oh my! God is so good.
It brings tears to my eyes too!
I know the feeling I have when I have both of my girls with me and we get to have fun together.
Love you so much, friend!
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