Monday, June 4, 2007


Monday was a "double blessing day" for me. I received my 6th AND FINAL chemo treatment today and my doctor, because I don't have to build-up the blood so fast this treatment in preparation for any more chemo, has let me skip the Neulasta injection (the one that makes me feel so bad). Needless to say, I was jumping for joy as I walked down that long hallway away from that treatment room!! Next week I do have to go in for a blood check to see if , at that time, the blood is holding up without the shot. If it isn't I will have to take it after all. So, I guess that means a few more days at home, lots of rest, and staying out of crowds but I can do that. There are many things about those office visits that I will never miss but I will be forever grateful to the doctors and the staff there who took care of me and gave so much so that I could begin the road that will help me and many others become "cancer survivors"!

What comes next? On June 11th, I return to the Oncologist for blood work and then on that same day I go back to my surgeon, Dr. Hardcastle. Around the 10th of July, he wants to set up another Pet Scan and a Cat Scan to see how things look now that chemo is over and to take another look at that mass that is in my thorax to determine if I need a surgical biopsy taken at this time. We still don't know exactly what it is , we just know that it did not take the radiation like cancers do. If all looks good at that point, I will have one more surgery to remove the port that was put in for the treatments. It looks like I will be seeing both doctors for a long time. They will check for what they call "markers" which tell them if there is any signs of cancer" for the next five years starting with three month checks, then six and then once a year until that time is up. After the five years, they didn't say what would come next but I've learned whatever the future holds, one day at a time is always best. God already knows what my future holds and I will look to him. My heart is so full of praise and thanksgiving I hardly know where to begin to express my love to all of you and to the One who has carried me through these past 6 months!! Together we have reached this goal.

To God be the Glory. I am God's child-- as changes come I know that he will deliver me out of them. As I hold His hand He will led me safely through all things; and when I can not stand (and there were MANY of those days) He holds me in his arms. I know that He will shield me from suffering or He will give me unfailing strength to bear it. It has truly been a "journey", one that I will never forget and one that has only just begun. It is a journey that has taught me so many things, things that have changed my life forever. ( I will share more of that in a later blog.)

To all of you, "How do I even begin to express what my heart feels for each of you right now?" I know I couldn't begin to put that into words, but, God knows and I pray that He will show you and bless you in ways that I never could. And so I close by simply saying,

I FOREVER love you guys,

Psalms 116:1-2
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.

Sandra Byars is back home and seems to be doing well.


Anonymous said...

Hey Judy -- this is Jan. I just finished reading all your blogs with tears in my eyes, and I just had to write to you and tell you what a blessing you are and always have been. I had been wondering how you were doing, but had been confident in the Lord's provision for you. I saw Marcia Smith last week and she passed along the blogspot. How I praise the Lord that He is healing you. I know it has been a hard journey, but one that has brought you closer to your sweet Lord. I wish we could see you sometime, Life is so busy and we so easily lose contact. But until then, consider yourself hugged. Blessings, and love, Jan

Judy Mills said...

Dear Judy
I know that this part of the journey has been hard on you but your family and friends have prayed for you each step of the way. God has a plan for each of our lives and sometimes that journey is hard but at the end of the way, we are on the "Winning Side." God continue to bless you with all that you need.
Also, Allison's husband, Keith will be having his surgery on June 12th at Emory. Please remeber them in your prayers.
God love you and we love you.
Judy Mills