Friday, February 19, 2010


Hello Friends,

Do you find, like me, that time is traveling way too fast and you would like to stop the
merry-go-around and get off for a little while just to take a deep breath and slow down?
If you're zipping along through life, it's daily tasks and troubles, to get to the "next thing", ask yourself what the next thing is. Is it tomorrows daily tasks and troubles? Next years? Death? Life is happening RIGHT NOW. What we really need is simply to just be there for the day-to-day moments.

We are all feeling the effects of the recession these days. Marvin and I have been experiencing some belt-tightening, unsure moments lately as well. But, I don't want to simply focus on the what-ifs during these difficult days. I want to be also be able to focus on each moment and find joy and gratitude NOW; to experience the "good parts" as well and seize the moment--THIS ONE.

Isn't life lived breath by breath? One thing I have learned in my 63 years is that God never fails. He meets my every need when I trust in Him. When I focus on that, I always find "my attitude of gratitude" and once again am reminded of all that I do have, which is likely all that I really need!

Take a long look today------what we seek is already here, right under our noses-----our blessings and experiences of day to day living! What really matters to you? THAT is what makes life good.

I love you guys, EVERY DAY,

Quote for today: "Enjoy the little things. One day you may look back and realize they were the big things!" by: Dorothy P.

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