Thursday, July 31, 2008


It's been quite a while since I have done very much physical exercising and now it is time to start! I looked up the word in the dictionary and here is what it said: "Exercise---active use of the BODY in order to make it stronger or healthier". Now, that sounds like a pretty good idea, don't you think?

Last year while I was undergoing chemo treatments I loaned my exercise bicycle to a sweet friend who was having a lot of knee problems. Her doctor thought if she could exercise that knee she might be able to avoid having surgery. Since I was feeling too weak and sick to use it, and was only hanging my clothes on the handles as I ironed----it was hers to borrow and use. I am happy to report, it did help and no surgery was required. In the meantime, she has purchased a "real bike" and she and her husband go bike riding together all the time. I'm so proud of her! The other day I called her to inform her of my plan to start an exercise routine and she brought my bicycle back to me. If I fail to ride it now, I will be so convicted!! She has promised to keep me accountable and I have promised to be faithful in riding. So, here goes...let's see how many miles I can travel.

Exercising the body will be good but I need to exercise my MIND as well. I've been told many times over the last year that after you undergo cancer treatments you sometimes suffer from what they call "chemo brain". (That's when you have trouble focusing for very long, you become tired easily and can't remember simple things). Ok, maybe I had some of that before chemo but, I did notice it was worse for a while. So, I try to exercise my mind by reading more, doing word search and crossword puzzle books and trying to memorize my Bible verse each morning. I've heard the saying "The mind is a terrible thing to waste. If you don't use it, you will lose it". Well, I don't want to lose it so, along with using the bicycle to exercise my body, I will be exercising my mind as well.

And last, but certainly not least, I must exercise my FAITH. I looked up that word too. The dictionary stated: "Faith---belief or trust that does not question or ask for proof". There are many things that come into our lives that without faith and trust we could not endure. I have never questioned God why he allowed breast cancer to come into my life; I simply trust that He will see me through. My faith has grown stronger as I've traveled on "this journey"; a journey that still includes many doctor visits and scheduled tests. Because of the spot on my lung and the mass in my thorax, I am tested every six months. Last week I had the cancer marker blood test and, praise the Lord, it checked out fine. For that I am so grateful. On August 11, I am scheduled for CT Scans of the brain, chest, abdomen, and pelvis, plus a bone scan and a mammogram. I will be "exercising my faith" as I wait for the results to come in and, as always, I covet your prayers. (When I get the results back, I will post them for you). God is real, God is good and He will do what is right. My FAITH gives me assurance that He can heal and a hope that He will!

In the meantime....(BODY, MIND, & FAITH)...I'll be exercising; hope you will be too!

I love you guys,

Hebrews 11:1-Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

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