Monday, July 4, 2011


Greetings dear friends,

Happy July 4th, Independence Day 2011!

Yes, "we the people" have been blessed to live in the greatest country in all the world--the United States of America! Having grown up a "military child" I have always been aware of that fact and also of just how precious freedom truly is. But, this past week those childhood memories have taken on an even deeper meaning as I bid goodbye to my eighteen year old grandson as he boarded an airplane for West Point and a career in the U.S. Army. The desire of his heart is to grow into the best soldier possible so that he too can help defend this great nation. My love and prayers are with him always as he travels this awesome journey. I am so proud of you Chad!

Today, as we celebrate our great country and the freedoms we all enjoy I hope that we will take the time to give thanks to our Heavenly Father for allowing us to be born in the United States of America, to our founding fathers the very wise men who built for us a strong foundation on which to build and to the brave men and women who sacrifice so much to protect the very freedoms that we still enjoy today. Those very freedoms have come at a great cost!

America---"a land filled with great opportunities for all people".

America---"the land of the free and the home of the brave".


I love you guys,

John 8:32-You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Today is the last day in the month of January. I can't let this day pass without giving thanks for another anniversary celebration. This month was my anniversary......not my marriage....but, my
second chance at living.

On January 19, 2007, my cancer was removed. That was the day that I grew a "new understanding" of breast cancer and all that goes with it. But, most of all, I learned just how close I could walk with God when I let Him into my every situation. Four years, that is how long it has been-----four years of change and memories and good health.

As I celebrate this anniversary, I will look back and be reminded again and again just how blessed I have been. I will remember that I have been tested, that I am a "living testimony" and that I need to continue to share my life and God's Love Story with others. I know that breast cancer is not my defining story, it is only a part of my story.

Whatever the test, I will never lose hope. I will hold on to the promises of God and I will trust His love as I continue "my journey". Celebrating four years, cancer free, and loving every minute!

I love you guys,

Psalms 4:5 Put your trust in the Lord.