Monday, April 13, 2009


Thank You Friends,

My heart overflows with love and gratitude to all of you who so freely gave and helped me to fill my "little shoebox on a mission" last month. If you sent in a love donation, hopefully you have already received a personal note of thanks in the mail. Today I want to thank you again--PUBLICLY, for your wonderful generosity. I am excited to report that my little shoebox was filled with a grand total of $550.00!! Every penny will go a long way in helping to meet the needs of the CTSC Elsie Conde Camp for Special Needs Children this July. The staff and workers were deeply touched when the shoebox mission was presented at their kick-off meeting on March 29th. Much more importantly than that special moment with them, I can hardly wait to see how many precious little lives will be forever changed through this camp because YOU cared. "Thank you" seems so little but it comes from the depths of my heart. May your rewards be many when God himself looks you in the eye and blesses you with His words, "Well done, good and faithful servant".

I love you guys,

Acts 20:35 "It is more blessed to give than to receive".

PS I will give you a full report and hopefully some great pictures during the Special Needs Camp in July. Until then, if you would like to read and see more about the CTSC Sports Camps you can visit their blog. (***They have just returned from the first camp of 2009 to Honduras where 27 children asked Jesus into their hearts! ***) To view go to: and click on the blue and red box to the left labeled "Honduras Live". Enjoy!